Time Factor. Our work and our job is outmost important in our life, because it is the activity by which we keep us sustained and survived in the competitive and ever shrinking world of economic affairs, because our needs for food and shelter are only fulfilled by our job and business, we no more remained a nomadic herds men or jungle dwellers so that our food will be free to us by just gathering from the forest sources. From the very first day the man started living in primitive colonies the food resources came under the control of few mighty peoples and slowly the trade and exchange system came into existence, now for the things of our needs we have to exchange some thing, and for gaining some things it was necessary to do some sort of work and job and this tradition continued in modern times and hence the importance of time increased in the life of man. As the needs increased we needed more money and for this we had to do more work and there came a time in the life of resource less common peoples when they has very little time even for their personal care. there are peoples who work and live in remote areas, there are people who work as private employees in factories, their morning starts with the first ray of sun and who return at home with the sky full of stars, and there are peoples who have businesses, shops and cafeterias and they are busy every day throughout the year, and they could never have holiday, on the other side there are peoples who are in service, either government or private, their scope is very limited, and there are students who must concentrate on studies, and more over all these peoples have a very low standards of knowledge nowadays, they are substandard peoples in every walk of life, they do not have enough time for studies, because the day is not sufficient for them to meet their earnings, so they have to work late in the evenings, and they must work every day, without weekly off’s, then the persons who have some spare time is very lucky if they have provisions for their survival and fixed incomes and earnings from their job and business or rents from their properties. It is very necessary for the persons who are still job less to find job for them self and once they found a good job then they must give thanks to their God if they get spare time after finishing their work and duties, because in today’s competitive life style it became very hard to find spare time for the common peoples. and they must not this spare time in undue recreations and amusements because the aim of the human life is not like the insects and birds, our life is not like the life of insects or birds, even the life of insects and animals have Ecological niches. The Aim of our life is to restore peace and justice in the society, the need of establishing justice and peace in the society arose from the event of appearance of mankind's first colony , when the man first started to live in groups, the advantages of living in groups are easy availability of relation ships and some protection against wild animals and help and rescue in the event of dander and calamities and availability of daily need items, such as clothes and other goods, but the act of living in colonies had some disadvantages too, and the biggest and deadliest disadvantage is the acceptance of supremacy of the other peoples, i.e. the chief of the colony and the king of the village, and acceptance of their subordination. The Aim of the life of Human beings is to establish justice and peace in the society, then for this first we must know about our position. To understand it conveniently consider the following allegory, Suppose you joined in a big organization as an salesman, your boss has a big business, and he has many salesmen, and for the promotion of his business you are selected as an salesman, your job is to sell the items or commodities to various customers in different cities in different shops and to different parties and firms, your job requirements are extensive traveling and contacts with the other peoples, and for traveling and for contacting to potential customers your boss has given you traveling expenditure, your boss has provided you food during your travel and your boss has provided you every thing of comfort during your successful travel for the final successful business gain and profit, you can dink mineral water during your business travel to keep you healthy and fit and you can eat clean and delicious food, and you can visit and see different places and cities during your business tour, you can meet different peoples and you can even travel in a branded new car for the promotion of the business, you and your family is even allowed to attend or organize different parties and celebrations and events for the promotion of the business, all the expenses of your travel and on your food and drink and on your tickets of various events and the bills of your rent a car and petrol and air plane travel will be paid by your boss, because you are his employee, and you are on duty, and after all your boss expects that you will make a good business for him, because you are his salesman. And after all these expenditure on yourself during travel if you are making a good successful business for your boss then he will become very happy and pleased with you, even he can give you reward and now he will even not ask you about minor private expenditures during your travel for example you purchased some gift items from various tourist places for your wife or children, he will neglect them, and because you know that what you can expend from this money for your children and wife, and what you can not purchase from this money, because you can understand that this money is for the business, and because you are doing good business, and because you are doing your duty well your boss becomes happy and pleased from you. All the above expenses were allowed because the intension behind their expenditure was making a business for your boss, and because you was on business tour, and because you were expending this money for the intension of making business, Now suppose that there is another salesman, who is your colleague and he is working in your organization and he is also in the same business travel but he forgot the intension of his travel, then what will happen?, then he will eat and drink and he will enjoy the parties and he will enjoy the tourist places of interest and he will expend the money in his amusement and on his private expenses, and he will expend the money in cinemas and on gambling and different private expenditures such as purchasing of house and flats, and costly cars and mobile phones, birthday celebrations and marriage expenditures and other show offs, and even doing his own trade and business, and he will use the money as he like and his journey will be aimless and his travel will be fruitless because he has not done any thing for the business of his boss, because he forgot the intension of his travel, and what ever he has expended in his travel is not allowed to him, but this salesman can not understand what is wrong and what is right, because he has forgot the very intension of his travel, and the other colleagues tell him that this is allowed and that is not allowed, the other colleagues are not aware about the mental condition of this salesman, they did not know that he has forgotten the very intension of his travel, and the other colleagues are just telling him to guide him, and this our forgetful salesman is confused because he finds the advise of the other peoples very disturbing, he thinks in his mind that why I should not do this, and he can not understand unless he knows not the real intension of his travel. if our position is just like a salesman, then at very first we must know about our Boss, our boss must be the one who must be very great, he who must be capable of enormous power and intelligence, he alone must be sufficient and capable, he must not be in any need of helpers and supporters and servants, he must not be needy, he does not need any relatives, any wife and children, nor brothers and sisters nor mother and father and mother in law nor son or nephews, he alone should be fully capable of every thing he want, he must have created the universe and every thing, and from the observation of this complex universe we can say that he has created this universe and in reality he has always guided the human beings since the beginning of the human life, and throughout the past he has guided the man by his messengers, and finally he guided the entire man kind by his final guidance through a final messenger, all the guidance and messages given to the man kind are either corrupted or contaminated in the past, but the final message remained pure and uncontaminated till today. The guidance is just like a booklet given with any device and machine or gadget we purchase, when we purchase any new gadget or device or any machine from the market, then a booklet is also supplied with the machine, this booklet is a message and guidance from the engineer and manufacturer of that machine, in this guidance we will find the correct method of using the machine, this booklet also warns us that if we will not follow the correct procedure of the usage of the machine, then it can harm us, and the guarantee will be null and void if we tamper with the information or the machine parts, and it is expected from the users that they should follow the instructions of the booklet while using that machine, and suppose any body who will not follow the instructions of the booklet, will be doing this at his own risks. The Aim of human beings is to restore and establish justice and peace in the society, the world is a machine given to us by an engineer and this engineer has provided us his guidance and he is our boss, he has given us our life as a journey, and he has provided us every opportunity to do good business, we are his employees, our life and our money is his allowances given for our successful travel, our business is to restore justice and peace in the human society. Now we have to decide where to expend the money, now we have to decide what we are doing is in compliance to our business or not, if it is not then we must abandon that. But the most of the peoples in the world are today are just like the salesman who forgot the very intensions of his journey, what ever religions we follow and what ever countries we belong, after all we are all the employees of a big boss, and after completing our journey he will evaluate our achievements and if our boss finds us successful in our business tour then he will give rewards and promotion and if we failed in our tour then we must be ready to be fired. Now it is the duty of human beings to search for find out the correct and uncontaminated guidance of the big boss and try to perform our duties faithfully and we should not become the salesman who forgot the very intensions of the journey, because it is very easy to forget the intensions of our duty in the amusements of the tour. And once we understand the intensions of our journey, then we will be alarmed automatically at each and every step, and there will be no need for us to remind us our duty from external advice. The aim of life is not earning wealth and eating and enjoying and celebrating the occasions, the insects and animals are having this type of life, and look even the rich man's dog enjoys every comfort and luxury. The aim of human life is to restore justice and peace in the society. And who else can do this noble work of restoration of justice and peace in the society than the persons who have spare time, and in today’s busy life style no body have time to spare, now we have to think which time we must waste and which time we can use for this noble cause, because our service for the cause of humanity is not fruitless and it is also not an altruism, but it is for our own benefit, because our universe is a closed system and there is a counter effect of every cause, there will definitely a reflected effect will arrive in front us after returning from the closed walls of our universe, and it is our original duty to restore peace and justice in the society, and the peoples who are our religious persons and clergy men are having plenty of spare time and it is the duty of every body who have spare time. The persons who are well educated and have plenty of time and this is a very big gift of the God, now they can utilize it, what they need is just some motivation and seed investment and they should be energetic along with a good short term or crash course education in the religion and they can pump out their entire time in the service of society and in the name of God, this is a very noble activity to serve the mankind, this activity can generate employment for the common peoples, and various related businesses and income sources,by forming cooperative societies, and your strategy should be such that your socio religious reform activity should be fruitful within a few years from its first start, and it should not be carry forwarded after your death if it is not fruitful, because it is an observed fact that the socio religious reform activities are only successful in the life time of its proponents, for example look at the Confucius and Zoroaster and Buddha, their message reached in the long stretches of land right in the life times of its proponents, and look at the Islam, it is well known that Islam overwhelmed all known world well within 23 years after is first appearance, and concider the Saint Paul, he was more energetic and the Christianity saw a success in his life time, and he was the originator of the Christianity with new addenda, so the prime time for success is 30 years for any socio religious activity and it is very necessary that the success must come in the very life time of its proponent and in the 30 years from its starting point, if the success does not comes in front of its proponent then this activity should not be kept continue after the death of its proponent, but it should be restarted with a new energy and with new leader in its center, it should not be kept elongating as a chewing gum in the mouth, and if we keep the reform activity crawling, then there is a possibility of it's becoming a sect or a new religion, and not only we should avoid the sect formation but we should condemn it, but any how we must perform our duty of serving man kind by trying to restore justice and peace in the society. Look at our life style, every day going to office, clinic or at business and firms for earning money and at the night eating out and partying and rest, if every body is busy in this schedule then the injustice will prevail in our societies, and we should promote and restore peace and justice in the society, the peace and justice should be so permeate in the society that each and every house hold should experience it, and this is the aim of life. "http://indianmuslim111.blogspot.com"http://yezidi-yazidi-ezidi.blogspot.comwww.allah111.blogspot.com, on internet explorer with Google search engine.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Time Factor
Time Factor. Our work and our job is outmost important in our life, because it is the activity by which we keep us sustained and survived in the competitive and ever shrinking world of economic affairs, because our needs for food and shelter are only fulfilled by our job and business, we no more remained a nomadic herds men or jungle dwellers so that our food will be free to us by just gathering from the forest sources. From the very first day the man started living in primitive colonies the food resources came under the control of few mighty peoples and slowly the trade and exchange system came into existence, now for the things of our needs we have to exchange some thing, and for gaining some things it was necessary to do some sort of work and job and this tradition continued in modern times and hence the importance of time increased in the life of man. As the needs increased we needed more money and for this we had to do more work and there came a time in the life of resource less common peoples when they has very little time even for their personal care. there are peoples who work and live in remote areas, there are people who work as private employees in factories, their morning starts with the first ray of sun and who return at home with the sky full of stars, and there are peoples who have businesses, shops and cafeterias and they are busy every day throughout the year, and they could never have holiday, on the other side there are peoples who are in service, either government or private, their scope is very limited, and there are students who must concentrate on studies, and more over all these peoples have a very low standards of knowledge nowadays, they are substandard peoples in every walk of life, they do not have enough time for studies, because the day is not sufficient for them to meet their earnings, so they have to work late in the evenings, and they must work every day, without weekly off’s, then the persons who have some spare time is very lucky if they have provisions for their survival and fixed incomes and earnings from their job and business or rents from their properties. It is very necessary for the persons who are still job less to find job for them self and once they found a good job then they must give thanks to their God if they get spare time after finishing their work and duties, because in today’s competitive life style it became very hard to find spare time for the common peoples. and they must not this spare time in undue recreations and amusements because the aim of the human life is not like the insects and birds, our life is not like the life of insects or birds, even the life of insects and animals have Ecological niches. The Aim of our life is to restore peace and justice in the society, the need of establishing justice and peace in the society arose from the event of appearance of mankind's first colony , when the man first started to live in groups, the advantages of living in groups are easy availability of relation ships and some protection against wild animals and help and rescue in the event of dander and calamities and availability of daily need items, such as clothes and other goods, but the act of living in colonies had some disadvantages too, and the biggest and deadliest disadvantage is the acceptance of supremacy of the other peoples, i.e. the chief of the colony and the king of the village, and acceptance of their subordination. The Aim of the life of Human beings is to establish justice and peace in the society, then for this first we must know about our position. To understand it conveniently consider the following allegory, Suppose you joined in a big organization as an salesman, your boss has a big business, and he has many salesmen, and for the promotion of his business you are selected as an salesman, your job is to sell the items or commodities to various customers in different cities in different shops and to different parties and firms, your job requirements are extensive traveling and contacts with the other peoples, and for traveling and for contacting to potential customers your boss has given you traveling expenditure, your boss has provided you food during your travel and your boss has provided you every thing of comfort during your successful travel for the final successful business gain and profit, you can dink mineral water during your business travel to keep you healthy and fit and you can eat clean and delicious food, and you can visit and see different places and cities during your business tour, you can meet different peoples and you can even travel in a branded new car for the promotion of the business, you and your family is even allowed to attend or organize different parties and celebrations and events for the promotion of the business, all the expenses of your travel and on your food and drink and on your tickets of various events and the bills of your rent a car and petrol and air plane travel will be paid by your boss, because you are his employee, and you are on duty, and after all your boss expects that you will make a good business for him, because you are his salesman. And after all these expenditure on yourself during travel if you are making a good successful business for your boss then he will become very happy and pleased with you, even he can give you reward and now he will even not ask you about minor private expenditures during your travel for example you purchased some gift items from various tourist places for your wife or children, he will neglect them, and because you know that what you can expend from this money for your children and wife, and what you can not purchase from this money, because you can understand that this money is for the business, and because you are doing good business, and because you are doing your duty well your boss becomes happy and pleased from you. All the above expenses were allowed because the intension behind their expenditure was making a business for your boss, and because you was on business tour, and because you were expending this money for the intension of making business, Now suppose that there is another salesman, who is your colleague and he is working in your organization and he is also in the same business travel but he forgot the intension of his travel, then what will happen?, then he will eat and drink and he will enjoy the parties and he will enjoy the tourist places of interest and he will expend the money in his amusement and on his private expenses, and he will expend the money in cinemas and on gambling and different private expenditures such as purchasing of house and flats, and costly cars and mobile phones, birthday celebrations and marriage expenditures and other show offs, and even doing his own trade and business, and he will use the money as he like and his journey will be aimless and his travel will be fruitless because he has not done any thing for the business of his boss, because he forgot the intension of his travel, and what ever he has expended in his travel is not allowed to him, but this salesman can not understand what is wrong and what is right, because he has forgot the very intension of his travel, and the other colleagues tell him that this is allowed and that is not allowed, the other colleagues are not aware about the mental condition of this salesman, they did not know that he has forgotten the very intension of his travel, and the other colleagues are just telling him to guide him, and this our forgetful salesman is confused because he finds the advise of the other peoples very disturbing, he thinks in his mind that why I should not do this, and he can not understand unless he knows not the real intension of his travel. if our position is just like a salesman, then at very first we must know about our Boss, our boss must be the one who must be very great, he who must be capable of enormous power and intelligence, he alone must be sufficient and capable, he must not be in any need of helpers and supporters and servants, he must not be needy, he does not need any relatives, any wife and children, nor brothers and sisters nor mother and father and mother in law nor son or nephews, he alone should be fully capable of every thing he want, he must have created the universe and every thing, and from the observation of this complex universe we can say that he has created this universe and in reality he has always guided the human beings since the beginning of the human life, and throughout the past he has guided the man by his messengers, and finally he guided the entire man kind by his final guidance through a final messenger, all the guidance and messages given to the man kind are either corrupted or contaminated in the past, but the final message remained pure and uncontaminated till today. The guidance is just like a booklet given with any device and machine or gadget we purchase, when we purchase any new gadget or device or any machine from the market, then a booklet is also supplied with the machine, this booklet is a message and guidance from the engineer and manufacturer of that machine, in this guidance we will find the correct method of using the machine, this booklet also warns us that if we will not follow the correct procedure of the usage of the machine, then it can harm us, and the guarantee will be null and void if we tamper with the information or the machine parts, and it is expected from the users that they should follow the instructions of the booklet while using that machine, and suppose any body who will not follow the instructions of the booklet, will be doing this at his own risks. The Aim of human beings is to restore and establish justice and peace in the society, the world is a machine given to us by an engineer and this engineer has provided us his guidance and he is our boss, he has given us our life as a journey, and he has provided us every opportunity to do good business, we are his employees, our life and our money is his allowances given for our successful travel, our business is to restore justice and peace in the human society. Now we have to decide where to expend the money, now we have to decide what we are doing is in compliance to our business or not, if it is not then we must abandon that. But the most of the peoples in the world are today are just like the salesman who forgot the very intensions of his journey, what ever religions we follow and what ever countries we belong, after all we are all the employees of a big boss, and after completing our journey he will evaluate our achievements and if our boss finds us successful in our business tour then he will give rewards and promotion and if we failed in our tour then we must be ready to be fired. Now it is the duty of human beings to search for find out the correct and uncontaminated guidance of the big boss and try to perform our duties faithfully and we should not become the salesman who forgot the very intensions of the journey, because it is very easy to forget the intensions of our duty in the amusements of the tour. And once we understand the intensions of our journey, then we will be alarmed automatically at each and every step, and there will be no need for us to remind us our duty from external advice. The aim of life is not earning wealth and eating and enjoying and celebrating the occasions, the insects and animals are having this type of life, and look even the rich man's dog enjoys every comfort and luxury. The aim of human life is to restore justice and peace in the society. And who else can do this noble work of restoration of justice and peace in the society than the persons who have spare time, and in today’s busy life style no body have time to spare, now we have to think which time we must waste and which time we can use for this noble cause, because our service for the cause of humanity is not fruitless and it is also not an altruism, but it is for our own benefit, because our universe is a closed system and there is a counter effect of every cause, there will definitely a reflected effect will arrive in front us after returning from the closed walls of our universe, and it is our original duty to restore peace and justice in the society, and the peoples who are our religious persons and clergy men are having plenty of spare time and it is the duty of every body who have spare time. The persons who are well educated and have plenty of time and this is a very big gift of the God, now they can utilize it, what they need is just some motivation and seed investment and they should be energetic along with a good short term or crash course education in the religion and they can pump out their entire time in the service of society and in the name of God, this is a very noble activity to serve the mankind, this activity can generate employment for the common peoples, and various related businesses and income sources,by forming cooperative societies, and your strategy should be such that your socio religious reform activity should be fruitful within a few years from its first start, and it should not be carry forwarded after your death if it is not fruitful, because it is an observed fact that the socio religious reform activities are only successful in the life time of its proponents, for example look at the Confucius and Zoroaster and Buddha, their message reached in the long stretches of land right in the life times of its proponents, and look at the Islam, it is well known that Islam overwhelmed all known world well within 23 years after is first appearance, and concider the Saint Paul, he was more energetic and the Christianity saw a success in his life time, and he was the originator of the Christianity with new addenda, so the prime time for success is 30 years for any socio religious activity and it is very necessary that the success must come in the very life time of its proponent and in the 30 years from its starting point, if the success does not comes in front of its proponent then this activity should not be kept continue after the death of its proponent, but it should be restarted with a new energy and with new leader in its center, it should not be kept elongating as a chewing gum in the mouth, and if we keep the reform activity crawling, then there is a possibility of it's becoming a sect or a new religion, and not only we should avoid the sect formation but we should condemn it, but any how we must perform our duty of serving man kind by trying to restore justice and peace in the society. Look at our life style, every day going to office, clinic or at business and firms for earning money and at the night eating out and partying and rest, if every body is busy in this schedule then the injustice will prevail in our societies, and we should promote and restore peace and justice in the society, the peace and justice should be so permeate in the society that each and every house hold should experience it, and this is the aim of life. "http://indianmuslim111.blogspot.com"http://yezidi-yazidi-ezidi.blogspot.comwww.allah111.blogspot.com, on internet explorer with Google search engine.
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